Somansa provides total DLP and visibility of sensitive data wherever it’s used.

Somansa provides total Data Loss Prevention
and visibility of sensitive data wherever it’s used.

Endpoint Data Loss Prevention
Discover, Monitor, Prevent Sensitive Data Leakage on Your Endpoints

As more corporate information is stored in company desktops, laptops and copied or transferred to removable storage such as USB, DVD, through applications, and other channels, the liabilities and amount of resources exhausted for companies have also increased. Confidential and sensitive data leakage, meeting compliance requirements, and legal lawsuits can all lead to financial and resource loss for organizations of all sizes and industries, healthcare, financial, and government.

Somansa Privacy-i is a endpoint data loss prevention (DLP) solution to protect personal and confidential data stored in company desktops, laptops and monitors, discovers, and secures confidential data based on policy rules to prevent copy and transfer to USB, CD/DVD, Printing, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, and applications.

Technology Features

Privacy-i scans and locates sensitive data stored on Windows, Mac, and Linux  endpoints, PCs, etc. based on content/context aware policy rules.


  • Pre-defined and customizable policies.
  • Remediation actions: Encrypt, Delete, Classification by user.
  • Whitelist USB devices.
  • Schedule Scan times.


Privacy-i monitors and prevents data leakage through USB, removable storage, Printing and applications for Windows and Mac endpoints, PCs, etc.


  • Content/Context aware policies.
    • Prevents copying to USB storage devices, Printing and uploading of files (webmail, messenger, cloud, network share).
  • Control policies.
    • USB storage devices, External HDDs, Mobile devices, Printers, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, FireWire, Clipboard, etc.

Privacy-i’s web-based management console allows administrators to managed endpoints, users, set various policy rules and view real-time alerts and reports.


  • Central Management Console
  • Create/Manage Policies (users/groups, online/offline)
  • Detailed Graphic Reports
  • Real-time Alerts
  • Active Directory, SIEM, etc. integration
Somansa Endpoint DLP Product Review
“Strengths: Simple to deploy and manage. Good price point and excellent documentation.”
– SC Media, Data Leakage Prevention
Why Somansa Privacy-i?
Data Loss Prevention
Somansa Endpoint DLP protects sensitive company data and personal information from leakage by monitoring and securing endpoint events including copying to USBs, Printing, and transferring to the cloud.

Somansa Endpoint DLP helps organizations meet requirements for GDPR, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and other data privacy laws by protecting personal information, PII, PHI including social security and credit card numbers.


Somansa Endpoint DLP scans, locates, and classifies files and documents on endpoints, desktops, laptops, etc. for legal evidence and auditing.

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